Stansbury High School in Utah has found itself embroiled in controversy after half of the girls who showed up for the Homecoming dance were turned away. Their offense? Wearing dresses that revealed their knees. So congratulations to the administration of Stansbury High School for staying true to their high, HIGH — no, really though, HIGH — moral standard.
Pictured: Sin, I guess it would have to be?
The school's official dress code states that "Dresses should be at or near knee length", which is literally as vauge as a policy could ever be. "AT" or "NEAR" knee length? In relation to what? If the policy is going to be as vauge as that, we might as well talk about these dresses in GALACTIC terms, in which case, JUPITER is as close to these girls' knees as their hemlines.
Jupiter would NOT be allowed into the Stansbury High School homecoming dance.
Even the HOMECOMING QUEEN was turned away for wearing a dress deemed too short by school officials. If this doesn't show us that the school was out of line, I don't know what will. The popular kids are supposed to be ABOVE the law. They are to be TREASURED. Without them, schools are filled with nerds and those sullen kids who shuffle their feet whenn they walk. Clearly the administrators of Stansbury High School don't realize how much sunlight the beautiful, charismatic popular kids to bring into thier lives.
Did you know she sh*ts gummi bears that cure sadness?
Thankfully, the school has apologized, and the reaction to the entire incident shows that these kinds of policies are on their way out. A time will come — probably sooner rather than later — where a girl can dress as she feels appropriately and not be thought of as an object causing harm to those around her. The fact that high school girls were barred from a dance for showing off their knee will seem as foreign and antiquated as CBS's policy that married couples on TV had to sleep in seperate beds.
Who knows how many more aunts and uncles you'd have if your grandparents were banging out during I Love Lucy?
How should the school have handled this situation? Let me know on twitter @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!
Check out The 7 Big Differences Between High School and College!
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