Hitman: Absolution will contain five difficulty levels, as IO Interactive has been telling us for quite some time; however, the details for each level have just now been, well, detailed in full. Hit up the break to figure out which one suits your playstyle the best.
The following list was transcribed by Kotaku via a preview build of the the game:
Enhanced: Easy – Your enemies are no match for you; you are unstoppable.
- Players can activate additional checkpoints
- Instinct regenerates
- Instinct will provide hints
- Enemies react more slowly than normal
Enhanced: Medium – Remaining completely unnoticed can be a challenge; you can rely on your guns to get out of trouble.
- Players can activate additional checkpoints
- Instinct does not regenerate
- Instinct will provide hints
- Normal enemy presence with normal reaction times
Professional: Hard – Enemies will be more numerous with faster reactions; evading will be difficult; your timing must be flawless.
- Players can activate additional checkpoints
- Insting depletes when used and does not regenerate
- No instinct hints
- Additional enemies with improved reaction time
Professional: Expert – Every inch of progress will be fought for sometime without firing a weapon; may take multiple tries to reach your target.
- No player-activated checkpoints
- Instinct depletes when used and does not regenerate
- No instinct hints
- Maximum number of enemies with fastest reacton
Professional: Purist – A true challenge for perfectionists; you will die trying.
- No Help
- No guides
- No Interface
- Only a crosshair
Hitman: Absolution is out on November 20 for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.
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