Man Transforms Himself into Human Ken Doll?

Mikey McCollor

Everybody needs a hobby — something that, when they wake up in the morning with nothing to do, will always be there for them. For some people, it's kite-flying. For others it's following celebrity gossip. For Justin Jedlica, it's plastic surgery. A LOT of plastic surgery. This guy gets plastic surgery like you or I bring home McDonald's after a long day of work.

justin jedlica

human ken doll
In that it's embarrassing when his roommates notice he did it AGAIN.

After 90 elective operations, Jedlica has had multiple nose jobs; put in plastic pectoral, biceps, triceps, and abdominal muscles; had colligen injections in his lips; and sculpted his ass to make it abnormally, unsettlingly large.


justin jedlica

After all this work, Jedlica looks less like a guy and more like a Playstation 2-era video game character.

silent hill character
Look at those smooth, nearly human-like features!

So far, Jedlica has spent over 100,000 dollars on cosmetic operations. And here's what I don't understand — where is that money coming from? I mean, at the very least, he has to take time off work for these operations, right? It's not like he's making money FROM being this weird sculpture of a man, is he?

worlds largest breast implants
At least the woman with the largest breast implants can make a ton of money waitressing.

Jedlica told ABC news that he didnt want to work out to improve his physique because “that is so not exciting, not glamorous or fabulous". But unfourtunately, it's HOW YOU GET MUSCULAR. No one ever truly got ahead through shortcuts, as we learned when Prometheus went to the heavens to retrieve fire for man, only to be burned from within by it, because he hadn't gone through the proper trials.

prometheus movie
We also learned this from the MOVIE Proetheus, which made
no sense because it's script was written in, like, 40 minutes.


What do you think of Justin Jedlica's transformation? Let me know on twitter @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!


Check out Bad Plastic Surgery or Robotic Clones?
