Microsoft shoots down UK Xbox 360 price cuts

By Dave Cook

Xbox 360 bundles are receiving a $50 price cut across America, but Microsoft has just confirmed that the UK will not be receiving a similar reduction. Bad times.

The American price-cuts were announced here:

But Microsft has confirmed to MCV that the new bundles for the UK holiday season are as follows, and note that they do not include any price-cuts:

  • 250GB Christmas Value bundle inc. Skyrim and Forza 4 – £199
  • 250 Kinect Holiday bundle including Kinect, Kinect Adventures, Dance Central 2 and Kinect Sports – £299
  • 4GB Kinect Holiday Value bundle including Kinect, Kinect Adventures and Kinect Disneyland – £249
  • 4GB Kinect and Nike+ Kinect Training bundle – £269
  • 320GB Halo 4 Limited Edition console – £269
  • 4GB White Gloss bundle – £149

So UK, that’s out lot. No price cuts. How does that make you feel? Let us know below.
