Parents Punish Daughter By Embarrassing Her On Facebook

Desi Jedeikin

Some Wisconsin parents have taken punishment to a very modern level. After their daughter misbehaved recently, they not only confiscated her beloved cell phone, they used that cellphone to then upload embarrassing photos of themselves to her Facebook page. OH, THE HUMANITY!

 Facebook parents punishment


Of course her brother (ya gotta love siblings, right? RIGHT?!?!) kicked it up a notch by then posting about his parents escapades on Reddit. He had this to say: My parents took away my sisters phone for the week. They've uploaded about 10 of these to her Facebook. Doing it right! Needless to say the post took off and now everyone knows that his sister's a chump and his parents are champs. And what was her crime? Apparently she 'got fresh' with them. As a formerly fresh teenager, I have to say I would for sure prefer this punishment over getting hit with a spatula. (I'm looking at you, mom!) And it isn't even the worst Facebook-related punishment ever. There's this one:

 Facebook parents punishment


And this one:

 Facebook parents punishment


So I guess parents embarrassing you on Facebook is the new time out. Much more effective I'd say.

 Facebook parents punishment


And hey, while it might be humiliating at first...internet infamy awaits you. And that'll be cool once you stop crying and screaming 'WHY ME???'

 Facebook parents punishment


What do you think of this punishment? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out 20 Most Annoying Girls On Facebook!
