Pictures For You To STEAL: V 104


One time I was riding on a train and I sole this woman's wedding ring when she took it off to flirt with a man in a different section of the train. Sure, it was wrong to steal from her, but she's deceiving both the man she's speaking to AND her husband, so it's like, whos the real villain of this story? The truth is, it's complicated, but you don't have to worry about any of those sticky questions when you steal these pics!

airbender draw

taco joker

super saiyan zayn

man drinking energy drink

as this data shows

kitty can float

pug eat


man drinking energy drink

arson kids

samurai oven

girl mechanic

puberty stahp meme

silver surfer



Which one is the best? Why not submit your own at the Smosh tumblr?


Click here for more Pics to Steal!
