Skylanders Giants stomping into view tomorrow

By Nick Akerman

Skylanders Giants is nearly with us. The sequel to one of 2011’s surprise hits is readying itself for release tomorrow. Players can pick this up on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii and 3DS.

Each Giant is twice the size of the game’s normal characters, which include returning favourites from the original title.

Understandably, Activision is more than happy with how the series is performing.

“It’s really gratifying that in less than a year, we’ve seen Skylanders go from being an intriguing untested new IP to becoming one of the hottest kids franchises in the world. And it has been universally acclaimed by parents, kids and critics alike,” said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision.

Are you going to pick up Skylanders Giants? Check out the latest trailer below.

Thanks, EvilAvatar.
