Tales of Xillia 2 videos and cosmetic information released by Namco

By Stephany Nunneley

Two new Tales of Xillia 2 trailers and some information on the title have been released by Namco.

According to the firm, default outfits from the first title will be available in Tales of Xilla 2, along with color variations. Some of the outfits will be a bit fun as well, allowing players to dress as a Dealer or Chef.

There will also be some sort of Monster Head attachment from Musee, according to Gematsu, which has something to do with Ludger going into Corpse Shell mode. In battle, the costume will be visible, but the Monster Head will no longer show as equipped.

Also, should the battle end when Ludger is in Corpse Shell mode, he will remain in said mode during the results screen.

The seventh episode in the game’s series of TV spots is below, and shows off Ufotable’s anime cutscenes. The other video, posted by AGB, seems to be telling a story, but it’s in Japanese so we’re not sure what’s going on – all we know is we like it.

Tales of Xilla 2 is out on PS3 in Japan next month, while the first Tales of Xillia lands in the west next year. ToX2 is also slated for release outside of Japan at some point next year or maybe even in 2017.
