The Last of Us: American Dreams is a four issue comic book series centering on the early days of Ellie and tells her backstory. Today, the PS Blog has posted more information on the series, along with a look at some promotional art.
According to the post, American Dreams will expose Ellie’s personality and the motivations behind one of the central characters in the Naughty Dog title.
“I wanted to see a story that can stand on its own, so if you’ve never played the game you’d still be able to read this comic and get an intriguing story with these characters but, at the same time, if you do read this comic book and you play the game, you should get greater depth, a greater understanding of these characters and the world and what’s going on with them,” said Naughty Dog creative director and series co-writer Neil Druckmann.
“The other cool thing is that working on the comic book has helped me develop more of Ellie’s backstory. Because we haven’t finished the game yet, we’ve been able to weave some of those threads into the story of the game. So there are certain parts as you play the game, if you’ve read the comic book, you’ll understand what Ellie’s referring to, or have a deeper understanding of what made her make that decision.”
The series is also being worked on by artist and writer Faith Erin Hicks, and colorist Christina Strain. Druckmann and Hicks will be co-writers on the project and Faith will be doing the drawing while Strain handles the coloring duties.
More concept art for Ellie can be found here.
Dark Horse will publish the four-part series and is also working on a deluxe hardcover The Last of Us Art Book, which will release alongside the game in 2013.
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