Wasteland 2’s Fargo wants to return to Kickstarter for round two

By Dave Cook

InXile’s Brian Fargo has stated that – regardless of whether or not Wasteland 2 is a success – he will return to Kickstarter again with future projects. Fargo also believes that the potential rewards of crowd-funding are too great to pass up.

Speaking with GI International, Fargo said of his likely return to Kickstarter, “Yeah, I still would [return to crowd-funding]. It allows us to give things to people that they can’t get from just buying a product.”

“Some people want to be an NPC, or they want a shrine in their honour in the game, or they want a boxed copy, or a novella. These things aren’t just gimmicks; they add real value,” he added.

“It’s also a great way of vetting the product in general,” Fargo continued, “I like having that communication, because when people put their money down they’re more invested emotionally. And when you have this army of people who are a part of it, when you do launch you don’t need a big marketing campaign.”

Fargo’s Wasteland 2 project amassed $2,933,252 in crowd-funding, and the game is slated for a ‘Fall’ 2013 release. VG247 interviewed Fargo on the game’s development recently. You can read what he had to say here:

Wasteland 2 interview: Fargo’s wonderful apocalypse.
