Video games give us a lot of opportunities to live our dreams. Sometimes our dream is to kill Zombies, and other times, like in the SIMS games, our dream is to have God-like power over our own creations. In The Sims 3 Seasons, which comes out today, you even get to control SEASONS, which is pretty powerful. Plus who doesn’t like treating their Sims to a punishing blizzard? But what if your dream isn’t about weather, and you want to hang out with celebrities? Well, some games make that dream come true, even if they are a little strange…. Here’s a look at 10 celebrities who you didn’t know were in video games.
Katy Perry - Katy Perry Sweet Treats
In March of 2012, Katy Perry fans got a virtual opportunity to be with or even BE Katy Perry. A teenage dream come true!
Lady Gaga - Gagaville
Lady Gaga partnered with Zynga on Gagaville, a Farmville spin-off that helped raise money to aid Japan after the devastating 2011 earthquake, which is an awesome reason to lend your name and image to a video game. The good news is it raised money for an awesome cause. The bad news is it still doesn’t make Farmville cool. Sorry, Aunt Jean!
Avril Lavigne, Andy Warhol ,Christina Aguilera ,Marilyn Monroe, Bon Jovi, Freddie Prinze Jr. - Sims Superstar
Finally! An opportunity for everyone to get their 15 minutes of fame! Well, virtual fame at least.The best part of this Sims game was the opportunity it gave players to virtually interact with superstars like Marilyn Monroe, Christina Aguilera and... Freddie Prinze Jr.!? Um I hate to be mean but...does the word superstar have NO MEANING anymore!?!
Mark Wahlberg - Make My Video
In the early 90s, Sega released the Make My Video series of games that allowed YOU to create videos for the likes of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. Wow, Marky Mark. I’m not the only one who never in a million years saw Mark Wahlberg, Oscar nominee coming...right?
50 Cent - Blood On The Sand
I guess it’s not too weird that 50 Cent created and starred in a series of third person shooter video games. I mean if there’s one thing he’s famous for, other than rapping and partying like it’s your birthday, it’s being shot nine times and surviving. I think we can all agree, shooting is much better when it’s fake.
Rickey Gervais - Grand Theft Auto 4
Okay, this one is pretty surprising. Gervais isn’t exactly someone I would say epitomizes the thug life. But he does stick to what he knows and his virtual self can be seen performing stand-up in the Liberty City Comedy Club. Cheeky!
Bert Reynolds – Saints Row: The Third
Burt Reynolds plays Burt Reynolds, the mayor of Steelport, in this car-stealing, plane-crashing, and zombie-killing favorite. So yeah, not exactly the most challenging acting role of his career. That would be Cannonball Run II I’m know because of having to work with a monkey. Still, who doesn’t want Burt friggin’ Reynolds as one of their Homies? No one. That’s who.
Snoop Dog – True Crime: Streets of LA
Snoop Dogg makes everything better! Especially when he’s constantly saying things, actually nothing I can print in a PG-13 environment, that’s for shizzle.
Ozzy Osbourne– Brutal Legend
In Brutal Legend, Ozzy plays the totally badass Guardian of Metal. Now normally shopkeepers aren’t considered very badass, but only someone as cool as Ozzy can pull off saying ‘You have interrupted the Guardian of Metal’s nap.” and not look too grandpa-y.
Michael Jackson – Space Channel 5
Nothing humiliates me more than when I have to play any game that involves a dance off. Dancing and me do not mix virtually or IRL. Do I really need the pressure of doing it in front of Space Michael?? Really?
Which one were you most surprised by? Do you play The Sims?
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