10 Shockingly Short Celebrity Dudes

Desi Jedeikin

Celebrities always seem so larger than life...perhaps it's because we always see them on the big screen, or the jumbotron. Or maybe it's the fact that they always wear lifts in their shoes.  Yeah, it's probably that last one. Because some of these dudes are short, yo! 


Daniel Radcliffe

short celebrities



This one surprised the crap out of me! I guess those wizard robes really give you that long and lean look. Which leads me to wonder why my snuggie doesn't do the same? I always feel kind of Mama June-ish when I sport it.



short celebrities



The hell? No wonder he risks breaking his neck by wearing 8 inch high platform shoes! I'll give him credit though, he is 5' 2'' of pure swag.  Pimps look understated next to him. 


Justin Bieber

short celebrities



Dude, when the hell are you gonna go through puberty?  I'm seriously just concerned. The good news is you can always stand on your piles of money and laugh at all of your haters. The bad news is your haters will laugh right back at you and say you look like Scrooge McDuck.


Lil Wayne

short celebrities


Height-5' 5 1/2''

I mean I know he technically has Lil in his name, but I thought it was kind of like the 500 pound dudes who are nicknamed Tiny. But no. He's actually Lil.  But he lives LARGE!  When he's not incarcerated. Then he just tries not to be someone's bitch.


Elijah Wood

short celebrities


Height-5' 6''

So I guess they didn't have to CGI Wood too much as Frodo.  Maybe they can take the extra CGI they didn't have to use for that purpose and CGI me into an Aragorn/Boromir sandwich...wha?? That's how CGI works, right?


Bruno Mars

short celebrities


Height-5' 5''

Okay, we get it!  You're short but you wanna prove you're tough. Now I get all this grenade-catching braggadocio. It's like the guy with the small wang who needs the huge Hummer. Wait that sounds really wrong. Moving on...


Jon Stewart

short celebrities


Height-5' 6''

It's okay. All your height clearly went into your brains. And into your funny bone. Cause you got a really long funny bone. Again with the wrongness!?! What is up with me today?


Mark Wahlberg

short celebrities


Height-5' 7''

I guess 5' 7" is almost not short.  Can't believe I already blew all my long wang jokes, because hello?? Dirk Diggler?  Anyway... it's probably a good thing I'm calling Wahlberg almost short. He looks like he'd punch a girl. I mean he'd be mortified after the fact, but the damage would be done. JK he wouldn't punch a girl. Please don't punch me for saying you'd punch a girl, Marky Mark.


Aziz Ansari

short celebrities


Height-5' 6''

So one of the stars of Human Giant is NOT a giant??  What does that title even mean?  Whatever it means, MTV should totally bring it back.  Oh yeah they can't because Ansari is too busy with other obligations!!  The return of Human Giant would be the only good thing to come out of a Parks and Recreation cancelation.


Josh Hutcherson

short celebrities


Height-5' 7''

So there is some contention on the internet regarding Hutcherson's height. Some say he is really only 5' 5''!  Whatever his height, I think we can all agree that he is not how we pictured Peeta in the books. Just saying!

Which one were you most surprised by? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

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