7 Directors That Should Helm The Next Star Wars Movie

Zach Ames

I get it. A lot of you people are upset about the very existence of another Star Wars movie. It's going to happen and there is nothing you or I can do about. We don't know anything about this movie yet, so it isn't really fair to say that they're ruining the franchise by making another movie. You need to drop that Bacta tank is half empty attitude. What if the next Star Wars is the greatest of the entire series? A great movie needs two things. The first is a great script. The second is a great director that can actually make a good movie. Here are directors that should helm the next Star Wars movie.


Matthew Vaughn

wolverine boba fett cosplay mash up


This guy has only made four movies, but all four movies have been great. Kick-Ass was one of the most original super hero stories to come out in a sea of super hero movies, and X-Men: First Class might be the best of the X-Men movies. He was supposed to direct the next X-Men movie, but it was announced just days before the Star Wars announcement that he would no longer be directing it. No reason was given. Could it be that he needed to free up his schedule to make room for Star Wars? I hope so.


Joss Whedon

yoda hulk


One of the main reasons that I'm optimistic about how Disney will handle Star Wars is how well they have handled Marvel Universe. Joss Whedon has plenty of sci-fi experience since he created one of the most beloved sci-fi series to be on television: Firefly. If that's not enough, he wrote and directed a little movie called The Avengers. If that isn't enough street cred for you then you deserve to have another George Lucas Star Wars.


Edgar Wright

simon pegg and nick front as c3po and r2d2


Edgar Wright has successfully dabbled in a number a genres. One that he hasn't quite had the chance to show his stuff in is Sci-Fi. He kind of got close with Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, but that was more of a comic book movie than a sci-fi movie. Despite doing so many different genres, the one thing that all of Edgar Wright's movies have in common is that they are really fun to watch. Also, having Edgar Wright as a director pretty much guarantees a cameo by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost if not a bigger role. They're always a welcome addition to any movie.


Alfonso Cuarón

alfonso and harry potter


This guy directed Harry Potter: The Prisoner Of Azkaban which is why he is pretty much credited with saving the entire Harry Potter series. That's what Star Wars needs right now. Help us Alfonso. You're our only hope.


David Lynch

david lynch thumbs up


You may know David Lynch as that guy who makes really weird movies. He would definitely be able to give the new Star Wars the harder edge that the kids seem to like so much these days. George Lucas offered him the job of directing Return Of The Jedi. If he hadn't turned it down to direct Dune, I think the Ewoks would have been a little less like Teddy bears and a little more like face eating nightmares with eyes.


David Fincher

a new hope ceremony


David Fincher has directed more than enough great films to be in the running. He would be a great choice if for no other reason than he will be able to pull some great performances out of the actors. He's overdue for an Oscar win, and the Star Wars franchise hasn't been nominated for Best Picture or Best director since the first one. It'd be nice to finally see Star Wars get a win. He may not know as much about CGI as some of the other people on this list, but I think the people at Lucasfilm might be able to help out a little in that department.


James Cameron

star wars titanic mashup


The Terminator, Aliens, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and Avatar. These are some of the most important science fiction films ever made, and they were all directed by James Cameron. I know that James Cameron is pretty busy making the Avatar sequels, but maybe he'll take some time away from them if Disney will let him put some Na'vi in Star Wars. I can't wait until they come out with Star Wars Vs. Avatar vs. Aliens vs. Predator vs. Terminator vs. Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash vs. Lion King. That'll be a really awesome movie.


Do you think you have a better idea for a director to helm the next Star Wars? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!


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