Best of the 'Soul Searching Sophomore' Meme!

Mikey McCollor

When you start college, it's all you can do to stay alive. But once you get your feet wet a little bit, you start to think about what this whole college experience means. And once that gets into yo had, yov no choice but to become a soul-searching sophomore.


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


soul searching sophomore


Which one really resonated with you? Let me know on Twitter @mikeyfromsu or leave a comment below!

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