Czech Republic president appeals to Greek counterpart over jailed ArmA 3 developers

By Stephany Nunneley

President Václav Klaus of the Czech Republic has appealed to Greek president Karolos Papoulias via a letter addressing the imprisonment of ArmA 3 developers Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar.

According to Klaus’s letter, he is paying “special attention” to the matter and hopes whatever the outcome may be that it doesn’t cause an “unnecessary shade” to fall upon relations between the countries.

“I would like to address a matter of two Czech citizens who were arrested in Greece and charged with espionage,” Klaus wrote. “This case is very sensitive to the Czech public and also to me as President of the Republic. The fate of our citizens anywhere in the world matters to us.

“I have no doubt that the democratic Greek authorities – police, prosecutors and the courts – will consider this unfortunate matter impartially and independently. Even I do not in any way want to interfere with their work.

“I want to ask you, Mr. President, to follow this unfortunate affair with special attention considering the excellent relations between our nations so this does not throw unnecessary shade onto our relationship.

“Once again, I want to assure you that I have the utmost certainty that our accused citizens will be given all the rights in the search for justice by the Greek authorities.”

Buchta and Pezlar have been charged with espionage by the Greek government for alleged photographs taken of of Greek military installations.

Jailed since September, it was revealed last week the duo had been denied and appeal in the case as well as bail, which means the men will have to face trial in a Greek court.

Buchta and Pezlar face up to 20 years in a Greek prison if convicted.

Thanks, Eurogamer.
