Dragon Age 3 could be a next-gen release, according to EA Shanghai resume – rumor

By Stephany Nunneley

Dragon Age 3 could be a next-gen release title, if an EA Shanghai level designer’s resume is any indication.

According to some sleuthing from Superannuation, Tao Gu’s LinkedIn profile states the “Scope of the DAIII has been chaged, which will target next gen platform and will be postpone to 2014 [sic].”

While the claims in the resume could be considered a case of “lost in translation”, thus the errors in the quote, it could instead be referring to the release delay from fiscal 2013 to fiscal 2014 (autumn 2013).

After announcing the game in September, EA delayed the release into FY14 in order to assure the game would have plenty of development time. However, the designer noted the “refocus” of Dragon Age 3 for current to next-gen on his page, which could be a red flag as to why EA failed to confirm platforms when the RPG was announced.

Still, until EA says otherwise, we won’t know for sure.

Via Kotaku.
