Invisibility Cloak Will Soon Actually Exist

Daniel Dominguez

Science is one step closer to inventing a device that is 100% guaranteed to be used more for evil than for good.

invisible evil guy
Yeah, I'm sure this guy is about to do some real socially responsible things.

The CBC News reports that scientists at Duke University have recently built onto invisiblity technology from 2006 to allow light to pass around whatever object is wearing the device so the human eye cannot see it. As you'll notice in the picture above, earlier modes of invisibility left "edges." By adding copper strips to the material scientists were able to adjust for this problem and add even more invisibility to the technology.

dudes playing video games in college
Fun Fact: Women, did you know that when the invisibility cloak is perfect there will be an average of 14 invisible guys in the shower with you?

The study is partially funded by the U.S. Office of Naval Research and the Army research office, so that's a terrifying sign. Are we really that excited for the U.S. Government to be able to be invisible? I'm already annoyed at them that they can tell how many Bob Dylan B-Sides I've torrented.

invisible government
Yeah, I can't wait till these guys are invisible.

I'll be the first person to admit that it would be cool to be invisible. But if I had to pick between being able to be invisible and having the United States government be able to be invisible, I would definitely choose not being invisible. Come on scientists, invent us some super powers that are awesome, but wouldn't completely dis-empower ordinary citizens by giving governments and multinational corporations spy capabilities they are guaranteed to exploit. Make us Wolverine claws. No one can spy with Wolverine claws. Everybody could benefit from having them. Teenagers can have fun cutting open beer bottles with their claws to impress their friends. Housewives can cut vegetables three times as fast as with an ordinary knife. Everybody wins.

once upon a time cast
A better world? Clearly.

What would you do with wolverine's claws? Let us know in the comments below!


Check out People With Invisible Stuff!
