So a few weeks ago we brought you the story of Justin Jedlica, a totally delusional guy who transformed himself into a human Ken Doll. Because apparently looking like Keanu Reeves' baby brother wasn't good enough for him! I get it. I mean who doesn't want a bloated anus for lips?
Well now this dude is making news again. This man, who has spent over 100 grand to transform himself into something no one finds attractive, is rejecting Valeria Lukyanova AKA the 'Real Life Barbie'. Why you might be asking?? Why would he be crushing all of our dreams to have 'Human Ken Doll' and 'Real Life Barbie' make unsexy times together? Because apparently he finds her...wait for it... too fake. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! So says the man who had ab implants.
"I do find her beautiful," he said in an interview with the Huffington Post. "[But] it appears to me that much of her look is added makeup, fake hair and 'slimming' corsets ... Drag queens have put on the same illusions with makeup and costumes for years." Apparently Lukyanova has spent over 800 grand on her look, but she has never confirmed that she has had plastic surgery. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hmmmm...I wonder if she's had any work done? Let's see here...
I'm personally confirming that she has has plastic surgery. SOURCE: My Eyeballs.
I'm sure Valeria is like whatevs! I mean why would she wanna kiss anus lips when she can totally be getting some from an 85 -year-old millionaire Russian business man with questionable ties to organized crime? She can get any grody guy she wants Human Ken Doll! She didn't get ribs removed in order to create an unaturally tiny waistline, just to date some buttface like you!
Besides I'm pretty sure there's another reason Jedlica isn't interested in Lukyanova. I have a sneaking suspicion he's looking for a Real Life Allan doll! Watch out Real Life Midge!
What do you think of this rejection? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!
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