Tiny Invaders dev Hogrocket “is on indefinite hiatus”

By Nick Akerman

Studio set up from the ashes of Bizarre Creations has shut down just 18 months after beginning its operations.

Hogrocket opened its doors in March 2011 as Peter Collier (senior level designer on The Club), Ben Ward (former community manager at Bizarre) and Stephen Cakebread (creator of Geometry Wars) recovered from Activision’s decision to close Bizarre Creations.

The studio published well-received iOS title Tiny Invaders at the end of January 2012, but will now go dark indefinitely.

“Unfortunately Hogrocket is on indefinite hiatus and the three of us have all moved onto new things,” Collier said. “This was due to a combination of factors, ranging from geographical to financial. It’s sad but the three of us all learned a lot.”

All three will be moving on to other projects. We wish them the best of luck.

Thanks, Eurogamer.
