20 Examples Of Accidental Racism

Desi Jedeikin

I think we can all agree that racism is a completely unacceptable, bad, bad, thing. That's why it's kind of hard to believe that in this day and age, people aren't super-sensitive to actions they might take that could be interpreted as offensive. Maybe they just don't see 'race'. Maybe they're completely clueless to racial stereotypes. WHO KNOWS!?! All I know is that it's so completely cringe-worthy when it happens accidentally!


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


accidentally racist


Which one do you think is the biggest blunder? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

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