21 Celebrity Portraits Made Out Of Strange Things

Charley Feldman

Celebrities! They’re nothing like us. For one thing, celebrities don’t spend time writing fan fiction about you and your crush and they certainly don’t create tumblrs devoted to your hijinx. How do they even spend their time?! Oh right, being successful and loved by everyone. Hide the restraining order and lock up the hair doll, here are 21 of the best celebrity portraits made out of strange things.


Audrey Hepburn (Film)

strange celeb portraits



Beyonce (Candy)

strange celeb portraits



Justin “Brie-ber” (Cheese)

strange celeb portraits



Honey Boo Boo (Trash)

strange celeb portraits



Britney Spears (Bubble Gum)

strange celeb portraits



Nicholas Cage (Yarn)

strange celeb portraits



George Clooney (Jellybeans)

strange celeb portraits



Kurt Cobain (Cassette Tape)

strange celeb portraits



Stephen Colbert (Rubik’s Cube)

strange celeb portraits



Conan O’Brien (Cheetos)

strange celeb portraits



Bill Cosby (Jello Shots)

strange celeb portraits



Lady Gaga (BB’s)

strange celeb portraits



Michael Jackson (Trash)

strange celeb portraits



Jay-Z (Crystals)

strange celeb portraits



Lebron James (Keyboard Keys)

strange celeb portraits



Mariah Carey (Make-Up)

strange celeb portraits



Marilyn Monroe (Lipstick Kisses)

strange celeb portraits



Barack Obama (Various Objects)

strange celeb portraits



Sarah Palin (Cornfield)

strange celeb portraits



Rachel Ray (Pasta)

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Taylor Lautner (Twizzlers)

strange celeb portraits



Amy Winehouse (Lyrics)

strange celeb portraits



Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below! Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter.

Check out the best of the Drunken Baby meme!
