7 Children’s Toys That Remain Fun As An Adult

Will Weldon

Growing up, it happens to everyone (well, everyone survives that long.) And as you grow up, you cast off many of the things you enjoyed in your youth. And if Toy Story taught us anything, other than Randy Newman’s status as being easily parodied, it’s that kids abandon their toys. Thankfully in real life toys do not have thoughts, or feeling, or hopes and dreams, so you need not feel any guilt over the situation. But not all toys get stale! Some of them remain fun, whether or not you develop a secret shame over enjoying them. Need some examples? Here are the 7 Children’s Toys That Remain Fun As An Adult:



toys that stay fun


You get to make stuff, from scratch, and if you don’t like it you can just pull it apart and start over! It’s not like real horrible life, where you’re stuck with whatever dumb choices you make and their consequences forever. And they come with instructions, which you can feel free to follow or ignore! Oh man, if only life were more like Legos…


Board Games

toys that stay fun


Not decidedly adult games (or, at least games for teens) like Risk or Monopoly, but the much sillier games like Mouse Trap, or The Grape Escape. Have you ever experienced the joy of murdering a claymation grape because you happened to roll the right thing while the aforementioned grape lingered in the wrong spot? Very satisfying.


Star Wars Action Figures (Classic Version)

toys that stay fun


This is very specific to the original set of actions figures, because they bring up only very fond memories of the original trilogy in its original state. The new ones, with their overly muscular Luke Skywalker (come on, Mark Hamill has never used anything more serious than a treadmill) and the like, are so emblematic of everything that went bad with the “Special Editions” and prequels are just depressing. But the originals, man! So many memories, so few ways to pose them in battle scenes (they came out in the era of toys with around three points of articulation).



toys that stay fun


What I used as a child to draw what could charitably be called “a bunch of squiggles”, adults glommed onto and began making, real, serious portraits of people. And it feels so much more dangerous, because an etch-a-sketch is a seriously easy canvas to erase.


Easy Bake Oven

toys that stay fun


Look, cooking is hard. I know it sounds insane to complain about the mild complexity of a basic meal, but these are insane times we live in. But an Easy Bake Oven? You bake things with a light bulb. A light bulb! Up yours, Thomas Edison, we use your inventions for whatever reason we want!


Classic NES

toys that stay fun


While the majority of gamers are now adults, that was not always the case. The NES was seen as a (very expensive) toy for kids, but even with a couple decades gone by, it still has a vast library of incredibly fun and rewarding skill-based games that just have terrible graphics (relatively speaking; my nostalgic fondness for visible pixels shalt never die). Also, it has River City Ransom, a game that has only gotten more intentionally-hilarious as I’ve gotten older.


Bop It

>toys that stay fun


This one is really helped by alcohol, actually. If you're 21 or older of course.

How are you trying to delay the realization that you are an adult? Let us know in the comments!


Check Out Twenty Honest Names for Famous Toys!
