Graeme Struthers, project manager for indie title Hotline Miami from Devolver Digital, said the game has been torrented to a staggering level on top of selling over 130,000 in seven weeks.
Talking to Eurogamer, courtesy of StumbleUpon, Struthers puts this down to the games small file size. “It has been torrented to such a staggering level, and given the file size of it, I mean, you can’t really be surprised, right? You could pass this thing around on the world’s smallest memory stick, so it has been torrented to extraordinary levels.”
Developer Jonatan Söderström providing help to those who pirated the game but experienced difficulties could have also sent a message condoning this form of acquiring it. “That’s what he’s like,” explained Struthers. “He just felt he didn’t want people playing the buggy version of his game however they got it. He wanted them to get the patch. He basically said, ‘I’m not going to criticise this, it’s a fact of life. It would be nice if guys could find it within themselves to pay for it, but that’s the world I’m in, so you know, you just have to take it for what it is.’
In the interview, Struthers goes on to compare Steam to a lovely elder brother that gives good advice. A sequel to the game is currently in pre-production.
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