Yesterday, we told you about an eagle that swept in, grabbed a baby, and dropped it from ten feet in the air. We all flew into a panic, thinking that this was going to happen all the time now. Yesterday, for all we knew, we were seeing the beginnings of a new normal, where we'd have to fight off hungry eagles as we walked to the grocery store. But as it turns out, the only eagles we have to fear are CGI eagles, and even then, only if we're CGI babies.
Do CGI babies dream of pre-rendered sheep?
The video was created by Normand Archambault, Loïc Mireault and Félix Marquis-Poulin who are 3D animation students at Centre NAD in Montreal. The school wrote an explanation, describing the students' process of inserting the digital bird/ baby combo into the video. While there is nary an apology for presenting the eagle attack as real, there is a paragraph devoted to the number of YouTube hits and media the video has generated.
Pictured: Number of people Centre NAD thinks are idiots.
So, we were fooled. I'm more embarrassed about this than when the internet lead me to believe The Blair Witch Project was real, or that there was a dog as big as a horse, or that Obamacare was going to murder my grandma. In fact, I'm so angry about this particular internet hoax that I need to go sit alone in my room and listen to music.
Just as soon as my iPod's charged.
But the worst part about this hoax is the harm it's done to the reputation of eagles. Two days ago, eagles were a proud symbol of American values, and today they've become America's most feared villain.
Which is exactly the path taken by Chester A. Arthur after he
curb-stomped a bunch of puppies.
Did you believe the eagle video? There's no shame in it if you did. Let me know on twitter @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!
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