The debut trailer for Moby Dick Studio’s The Phantom Pain was shown this evening during the 2012 VGAs.
It’s being said on Twitter it’s a next-gen title, but the studio’s website shows Xbox 360 and PS3 logos, so while it could be a next-gen title, we’ll just stick with current offerings for now.
There was a lot of buzz on Twitter from people at the show, who seem to think this is a Metal Gear game – or at least from Kojima who just so happened to be sitting in the audience.
The studio, which is located in Stockholm, was founded by Joakim Mogre. And, of course, the Internet is theorizing that “Joakim” is an anagram of “Kojima” and others point out that the last name “Mogren” is a football club in Montenegro which is where the opening of MGR: Revengeance takes place.
Some even say the main character looks a awful lot like Snake.
The, there’s journalist Alex Rubens who tweeted the following: “There are people in the VIP section of the Konami party wearing Phantom Pain/Moby Dick Studios t-shirts. They aren’t talking about anything. And no, they aren’t Swedish.”
Moby Dick describes itself as: “a game developing company operating out of Stockholm, Sweden… founded by CEO Joakim Mogren who after years of working for a major American developer brought together people out of various game studios from around the Scandinavian area to start something new. Our goal is to deliver an uncompromising, exciting and touching game experience to people all around the globe.
“We will shortly be disclosing information regarding our first major release.”
Speculate away, and have a look at the link to the GAF thread up there – which is chock-full of theories.
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