The True Meaning of Christmas (According to TV Sitcoms)

Mikey McCollor

The difference between a Christmas episode of a sitcom and a regular episode of a sitcom is that after the Christmas episode delivers the trite little lesson it does every week, it follows it by saying that THAT particular lesson is, in fact, the true meaning of Christmas. But here's the thing — EVERY sitcom has a different definition of the true meaning of Christmas. So what is the TRUE meaning of Christmas then? So instead of writing from the heart or some other such garbage about what I think is the true meaning of Christmas, I'm going to simply present what TV sitcoms have, over the years, told me is the true meaning of Christmas, and let you, THE READER, decide for yourself!



community christmas episode


In Community's first Christmas episode, we learn that EVERY character belongs to a different religion, but ultimately spend the holidays together anyway because the TRUE meaning of Christmas is love and acceptance. Sure, it's a trite, stock Christmas lesson but for the love of Christ Community's next Christmas episode was goddamn claymation, okay? You don't get mad at a baby for wobbling a bit during its first steps, do you? You would only do that if you were a TERRIBLE person, at which point the first Community Christmas episode's lesson will seem novel to you.



alf christmas


I honest to God tried to watch Alf's Unforgettable Christmas or whatever on Hulu, but when it opened up with the saddest, laziest "Alf eats cats remember" joke, I shut it off and went to spend time with my family. So I guess the lesson I took from Alf is that the true meaning of Christmas is self-esteem.


Family Guy

family guy christmas


The true meaning of Christmas, according to Family Guy, is that the SPECIFIC gift doesn't matter, what matters is that it comes from the heart. Although, there was a lot going on in the Christmas episode of Family Guy. The other true meaning of Christmas is that characters from old, happy TV shows get angry at other characters from old, happy TV shows. Also the true meaning of Christmas is that sometimes something mundane, like falling and hurting your leg, happens for a really long time and what, is it supposed to be funny?

Hold on, was this even the CHRISTMAS episode of Family Guy? No? They just did a Christmas JOKE? Why? It had NOTHING to do with the story.


The Big Bang Theory

big bang theory christmas


The meaning of Christmas is that you're a terrible person who deserves to be mocked for loving science and comic books. I mean, that's not what the CHARACTERS on Big Bang Theory learned, it's what I learned from WATCHING The Big Bang Theory.

Hey, other nerds who watch The Big Bang Theory? You know it has an INCREDIBLE amount of disdain for you, right?



lost desmond sayid


Remember that episode where a boat came to rescue the guys on the Island and Desmond lost his memory? Well, when they got on that boat, they looked at the calendar and noticed it was December 24th. Christmas Eve. So I guess, according to Lost, the true meaning of Christmas is that you're Desmond and you're stuck on an Island and you're friends with Sayid.


Happy Days

happy days christmas


On the Christmas episode of Happy Days, Richie and his dad see Fonzie alone in front of a stupid garbage Christmas tree cooking canned ravioli for one. It's an incredibly sad scene, and when Richie invites Fonzie over for the holidays, their friendship is cemented forever. So I suppose, to Happy Days, the true meaning of Christmas is that people who are cool deserve our love. Because really, if Richie and his dad had seen Ralph Mouth eating ravioli by himself on Christmas they would have thrown garbage and rocks at him until he died.


What's your favorite TV explanation of the true meaning of Christmas? Let me know on Twitter at @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!


Check out the 8 Best Animated Christmas Episodes!
