Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy teaser site opens

By Dave Cook

Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy has received a new teaser site from developer Square-Enix. It’s an animated version of the game’s interface and offers little more in the way of information. Check it out and start theorising below.

The site can be found here, and it features a series of icons from the game following a beat. it doesn’t appear to do anything beyond this however. The site could hint at a possible sequel, although most of the popualr songs from the Final Fantasy series have been featured in the 3DS game, so the possibility of an iOS or Android build seem more likely.

Or it could be another rhythm game tied to a different Square-Enix franchise, as suggested by Nintendo Life.

What do you think? Are the sounds morse code or something? Let us know what you think below.

Thanks Siliconera.
