Things You Probably Hate But Will Love As An Adult

Will Weldon

As you all become older, you will have a harder and harder time rejecting the simple truth that everyone changes. Often it’s for the better, but even more often it’s for the worse (time is kind to none of us, except maybe Brad Pitt). And as we age, I don’t think anything changes more than our personal tastes. Oh wait, our physical forms slowly wither and betray us, but that’s a close second. What are some of the things that will change? I’m glad you asked, convenient segway. Here are the 7 Things You Probably Hate But Will Love As An Adult:


Challenging Books

things you will grow to love


Look, everyone loves a good Twilight or Harry Potter book to pass the time, but it’s pretty easy stuff. If I didn’t have to slog my way through one hundred pages of Harry and Hermione wandering around in a forest wondering where the horcruxes were, I could have killed that last book during a subway ride. But as you get older, you’re going to want more from your literature. You’ll come to be excited by finding the best translations of ancient Russian works, because it’s hard, and things that are worth doing are hard (also worth doing, things that are easy to very easy.)


Going Out, And Then Staying In

>things you will grow to love


As soon as you reach an age where, legally, you are not barred from any businesses, you will want to be going out all the time. You may thinking “but I love staying in and playing video games!” but trust me, the allure of the once forbidden fruit will be too much for you. Then, as you continue to age (as we all do, except for Merlin, who, legend has it, is living backwards through time) you will go “I am both figuratively and literally tired of doing this.” And will go back to staying in.


Being Clean

>things you will grow to love


You kids and your mess. Sure, you don’t care where things go now, but you will, and very soon. Why? Because as you get older, and you discover how little control you have over life, you will find any area you possibly can where you can exert some power over things. Also, fellas, ladies aren’t crazy about a guy with a messy apartment.


Many Vegetables

>things you will grow to love


Part of the reason you don’t like vegetables now is that odds are pretty good you only ever have them served to you with the flavor and joy boiled out of them (maybe if you helped around the house, your primary care giver would have a little more time to make something nice!) Once you become an adult, however, and start going out to nice restaurants (paging Guy Fieri!) once in a while, you will discover the joys of well prepared vegetables. BONUS! They will trick you into thinking you are somehow staving off the end by eating healthy.


Being Informed

>things you will grow to love


All the better to lord a smug sense of superiority over everyone else with.

Not Caring

>things you will grow to love


When I was a teenager, everything was of such deathly importance to me. Having to go to school, not getting enough allowance, being so in love with a girl in my English class, all of these things honestly felt like they would be the death of me. Now, not only is there so much stuff happening in my life that IS incredibly important, but I’ve also had such extreme emotional swings so many times in the past, that I’ve come to really enjoy shrugging my shoulders and going “Hey, if it happens it happens, and we all rot in the ground anyway.”


You Parents

>things you will grow to love


It’s a lot easier to have a mutually loving relationship when one side isn’t resentful towards the other over having to waste at least eighteen years raising them, and the other is resentful at not being allowed to do anything fun.


Don’t worry, you will also grow to hate many things as an adult. Which things? Let us know in the comments!


Check Out Toys That Remain Fun As An Adult!
