30 Best Parent Texts Of 2012

Desi Jedeikin

2012 was a good year for awkward autocorrects and hilarious text fails by our elders! Keep trying parents...you'll get it right one day! But hopefully that day is a long way off.

autocorrect fail parents


 awkward parent texts


 awkward parent texts


 awkward parent texts


 awkward parent texts


 awkward parent texts


 awkward parent texts


 awkward parent texts


 awkward parent texts


funny parent text stiffy swiffer


funny parent text mom kitchen


 awkward parent texts


funny parent text forget phone


funny parent text grounded


 awkward parent texts


parent texts


parent texts


 awkward parent texts


parent texts


parent texts


parent texts


parent texts


parent texts


autocorrect fail parents


autocorrect fail parents


autocorrect fail parents


autocorrect fail parents


autocorrect fail parents


autocorrect fail parents


 awkward parent texts


Which one was your favorite? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out More Funny Parent Texts!
