6 Reasons It's Your Fault You're In The Friendzone

Desi Jedeikin

I know it's fun to laugh at guys who are stuck in the friend zone, but I'm getting a little tired of them blaming the girls for their position in life. No one forced you to wear Hello Kitty PJs and buff her feet at that nookie-less sleepover. No one told you to become a bench when her feet got tired. Look in the mirror friend zoned dude!! Maybe the problem is you!


You Never Tell Her How You Feel

friendzone fault


Okay, it is possible that she legit doesn't know how you feel. I mean the very least you could do is be a man and lay it out for her...amirite? I don't know about most girls, but I wouldn't necessarily assume the fact that a guy watches The Notebook with me while he buffs my feet calluses down, means that he's in love with me. I might also think that he's an Adam Lambert type and I'm his fruit fly. Just sayin'!


You Ignore Her When She Tells You How She Feels

friendzone fault


Then again maybe she does know and you're the one who is clueless to the hints she's giving you that she's just not into you that way. You know it is possible for a guy and girl to just be friends. You're the one who made it awkward by falling in love. Sure, maybe she should be more direct instead of just tiptoe-ing around the issue, but it's kind of hard to break someone's heart when they once brought you cake pops and trashy magazines when you were sick.


No One Is Attracted To A Chump

friendzone fault


Having someone carry you over puddles and chauffeur you to dates might seem great at first, but eventually you start to lose all respect for a guy who does whatever you say. One girl I know actually got a guy friend to come over every day to clean out  her cat's litter box and pick up all the dog crap in her yard. When I told her he was probably in love with her, she said 'Ewwww. I love him, but I could never kiss 'sh*t boy'."  Let that be a cautionary tale for you, friend zone prone guys.


They Don't Want This Either Though

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The only thing more unappealing than a pushover, is someone overly-aggressive in turning a BFF into a GF. Sure, the girl above might honor her totally stupid bet, but trust me she will feel hella violated afterwards. It's kind of rapey, yes? So, do things like this and not only will you not have a GF, you probably will no longer have a friend as well. Pro tip for the ladies: Never leave your fate in the hands of d*cks on FB.


Your Crush Is A Mean Girl

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Okay, maybe it is possible that she's just taking advantage of you. Still what does that say about you? It says you have bad taste in girls. I'm also betting that while you consider yourself a nice guy who's being treated like a POS by your one true love, there's probably a nice girl who feels like she's being friend zoned by you. You know the girl who sits and listens to you while you complain about how the mean girl made you wait in line for her at the Apple store to get the latest iPhone while she went on a date? Yeah, you're a jerk.


Maybe You're The Problem

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Sometimes you're not in the Friend zone. You're in the Forever Alone zone. There's a very fine line between those two things, so I can understand your confusion.  The difference is you have some hope of escaping the Friend Zone, Forever Alone is, well, forever. 

What do you think? Have you ever been friend zoned or have you ever friend zoned someone?  Let me know the juicy details @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out 7 Signs You're In The Friend Zone!
