7 Bands That People who Make Fun Of Skrillex Have No Qualms Listening To

Will Weldon

I should put this out there; I think Skrillex is awful. I’m probably more accepting of dubstep than most people my age (who don’t live in the UK), but he’s… man, I really can’t handle it. But I don’t think less of anyone for listening to it. You know why? Because I have listened to some HORRIBLE music in my life. For instance, I know most of the words to that song Limp Bizkit did with Method Man. So who am I to judge Skrillex? I don’t like him, but people are entitled to their own opinions, which is why you shouldn’t laugh at me for singing along to Jesus Christ superstar while I’m driving. Of course, that doesn’t stop people from judging Skrillex. People who have really bad taste in music themselves. For example, here are 7 Bands That People Who Make Fun Of Skrillex Have No Qualms About Listening To:



bands skrillex mockers like


I take what I said in that opening paragraph back: This is the worst band on Earth, and you should feel bad for listening to them. But so, so many people do! Their lead singer proudly trumpets the fact that they write pretty much the exact same song over and over, and they’re also Canadian, which, gross. So how could you possibly mock Skrillex if you like Nickelback? So much mean stuff has been written about this band, that at this point it’s like shooting fish in a barrel, except that would produce a sound more pleasing to the ear than anything Nickelback has ever made.



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Even people who LOVE Metallica have to qualify it with “Not now, but back in their awesome period.” But, here’s the issue, I was not alive during their awesome period. I’m even willing to wager that approximately zero percent of anyone reading this was alive during their awesome period, which was during the eighties. You know what was awesome in the eighties? NOTHING. Well, maybe Top Gun, but that’s pretty much it. I’m sure Metallica meant so much to you during that time that you still think of that fondly. So why can’t you let people have that with Skrillex?


Bon Jovi

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What was that? I couldn’t hear you criticize the music I like over the off-key wailing of one of the stars of “New Year’s Eve”.



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Come on Rush fans, what band has been mocked by so many people, and for as long as Rush? You should be comrades in arms with Skrillex fans, standing together and screaming “We’ll listen to whatever weird music we want, and you can’t stop us!” But no, you’re like the kid who used to be the one everybody bullied until the new kid showed up, then you joined in the bullying to take the heat off yourself. For shame!


The Beach Boys

bands skrillex mockers like


Beach Boys fans are the exact demographic who like to say things like “that’s not music, it’s just noise! There aren’t even lyrics!” First, perhaps you are familiar with another genre of music that does not have lyrics, aka “classical music (you uncultured ape), and Second, god forbid the world be deprived of such amazing lyrics as “Let’s go surfin’ now, everybody’s learning how, come on and safari with me.”

Justin Bieber

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The Biebs! Almost all his fans are very young, so I’m going to cut them slack, as the part of their brain that would normally tell them “Hey, maybe you’re not in a position to criticize someone else’s taste in music” hasn’t really developed yet.


Ko(Backwards R)n

>bands skrillex mockers like



Ha ha ha, just joking, these people know what they’ve done.


We’re dumb, with bad taste, right? Let us know in the comments!


Check Out Skrillex, Reviewed By Cute Kids!
