So if you haven't been living under an internet rock lately, the ole violence IRL/ violent video games debate is back on! Although there is no scientific research to back up the belief that violent video games lead a gamer to commit violent crime, everyone pretty much believes it anyway. The latest group polled on the matter...parents. Gulp. And guess what kiddies? 75% of them think there's a connection. I would sleep with my copy of COD: Black Ops II under my pillow if I were you.
89% of the parents polled think violence in video games is a problem. No doubt they've seen their gaming child throw an epic tantrum over something video game-related? That I believe. I mean I think we've all punched a hole in the wall after experiencing some lag time while playing a first person shooter game. AMIRITE?
Which funnily enough reminds me of something... there have been studies that connect violent video games to an increase in aggression amongst users. So there's that.
Of course the fact that parents think that violence and violent video games are related, doesn't mean they'll actually do anything about it. Because they're like modern day parents and it's physically impossible for them to say no to their children. I mean hey, you are the parent. If you think something, even without scientific proof, you can still do something about it. I think they have the right to exist, but I also think parents have the right to see how they affect their children and act accordingly. It's like common sense, yo! I mean justifying my foul mouth with a first amendment argument never worked on my mom.
What say you? Tell me what you think @desijedeikin or in the comments below!
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