Toy Story was the groundbreaking movie that forever shifted the playing field of animation in the United States from 2D to 3D. Now, a couple people on the internet with a whole bunch of toys and a camera have gone and recreated it real-life style.
Those who bought the limited release NC-17 version of Toy Story got to see a whole different set of toys.
CNET is reporting that Jonason Pauly and Jesse Perrotta took two and a half years and what appears to be a light kit designed for a horror movie and recreated the entire film more or less shot for shot. They spent a hell of a lot of time making a movie that was already made 15 years ago. Do you realize what they could have done with all that time? Do you have any idea how high of a level their World of Warcraft character could be right now?
A Live action Toy Story, or a level 99 Panda Monk... was it worth it?
The pair decided on a live action Toy Story after several failed attempts at a live action "Finding Nemo" where they couldn't get the fish to stay still long enough and, on the last attempt, their eleven year old son was torn clean in half by a Mako Shark.
"Just stay still for a second while we get this shot. Billy, swim over to that shark and see if he wants an Aquafina, or something from craft services."
With the online popularity of their live action Toy Story only increasing, Jonason and Jesse are already gearing up for their sophomore effort: Live Action Wall-E. All they need they said, is a toy Wall-E, a toy E-va, and for there to be a full scale nuclear war that leaves the world's cities in ruins.
What animated films would like to remake into live action? Let us know on twitter @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!
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