Teen Drugs Parent's Milkshakes To Go Online

Desi Jedeikin

So what's a teen girl to do when her parents won't allow her to go on the internet after 10pm? Drug them of course. DUH! 

teens drug parents internet

No parents were harmed in this dramatic re-enactment.


According to local authorities, a Northern California teen suggested to her parents that they go out for milkshakes, even offering to treat. Awww...call me cynical but I would've been suspicious right then and there. After returning home, the couple's daughter and a 15-year-old friend crushed-up sleeping pills into the milkshakes, while the parents weren't looking and watched like too little psychopaths as the parents gulped them down. Then they enjoyed some contraband internet time, baby! All in a days work for some future juvenile delinquents!

teens drug parents internet


When the parents awoke the next morning..surprise!  They felt groggy and had a total black out regarding the previous night's events. They felt like they had been...wait a minute...DRUGGED!?! Then I'm assuming a lightbulb went off when they saw the empty milkshake cups in the trash and had a vague memory of the funny taste they had. Those milkshakes brought all the suspicions to the yard!

teens drug parents internet


The parents confronted their daughter, who confessed to not only drugging the milkshakes but also to drugging her parent on two separate other occasions. The girl told investigators she thought the Internet policy at her house was "too strict."  Which I'm sure gave the police a good case of the eyerolls. She and her friend were both booked into juvie on charges of conspiracy and willfully mingling a pharmaceutical into food. The girl's mother said she hoped this would teach her daughter that drugging her parents is not okay. A lesson I never had to be taught and somehow managed not to do anyway. Weird.  Maybe dial-up just wasn't worth the criminal effort?

teens drug parents internet


What do you think of what these girls did? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

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