Guys, people get depressed. We’ve all been there, unless you’re some sort of magical creature who never feels despair, in which case please, share with us your secrets. But for those who are not such rarer-than-Unicorn like creatures, we need ways to cope with the sadness. Some of those ways actually feel pretty good in the moment, BUT WAIT! What initially feels good, may not, in fact, be healthy for you in the long run. What’s that, you want examples? SEEK AND YE’ SHALL RECEIVE! Here are Seven Things That Feel Good When You’re Sad (But Probably Aren’t Actually Helping):
Listening To Sad Music
The old standard! This is a classic example of something feeling good because it is so painful, to really sit (or, God forbid, lie down) and hammer your eardrums with the agonizing sadness of some indie band. PLEASE NOTE: The music has to be intentionally depressing, like Elliott Smith, and not the kind of depressing where it’s so bad you wish you were dead (cc: Black Eyed Peas)
Talking About It With People ALL THE TIME
Sure, talking things through with people are a really good way to figure out how you actually feel and, hopefully, recon with your feelings and get past them. But talking about them with every single person you meet (“I’m sorry officer, was I speeding? You see, my girlfriend and I just broke up, so I’m feeling a little…) just because it feels good to rehash the details of your miserable existence doesn’t actually help you feel better, and it also makes everyone avoid you because they’re tired of having such depressing conversations whenever you’re around. Total friend killer.
Eating Nothing But Metaphorical-Garbage
”Eating your feelings” often leads to “Having to diet off your eaten feelings”, and in some cases “Getting diabetes from your feelings”.
Staring Into Nothing
Do I really have to explain why sitting very still and gazing into the void is unhelpful? Well, if I do, here it is: It’s really, really creepy. Neither strangers, nor friends, want to walk into a room and just see someone sitting there, gazing at…? At least have the decency to put one of those magic eye things in front of you, so it looks like you might be trying to solve that.
If you don’t understand why this is a bad solution, you’re past any help a website mostly made up of pop-culture lists can provide you.
Not Getting Out Of Bed
Oh bed, you are as comforting as the gentle embrace of our Mother/Father (let’s admit it, we all have our favorite). There is a limit to how much good you can do, however, and it’s important we recognize those limitations. Not only is this a really unproductive way to live your life, it also is very easily combined with other depressing activities, such as listening to sad music, or cramming gummy bears down your gullet (or, in medical terms, your “Sad Hole”). Get up, see the sunshine! Seriously, go out in the sun, it has vitamins in it that you need.
Never Going To Bed
I understand why this happens. Sleep is the one time you are fully not in control of your brain, and it’s free to dredge up whatever terrible pain your subconscious has hoarded away for the next time it wants to reduce you to a weepy mess. But you need sleep! Literally, you need sleep, you will die without it. There are a few now-deceased World of Warcraft bingers who are proof of that.
Can’t we all just be happy? Let us know in the comments!
Check Out Whether Arty Teens Are More Likely To Be Depressed!
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