US PS Store update, January 15 – free GT5 DLC, cheap Vita games, DmC

By Brenna Hillier

This week’s US PlayStation Store update isn’t very hefty but includes some excellent savings, a couple of decent classics, and a useful social app.

Just two full PS3 games grace the store this week, the controversial DmC: Devil May Cry and the Angry Birds Trilogy. However, on the PSP side we have the incredibly creepy Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, plus PS2 Classics Siren and Disgaea: Hour of Darkness.

You can also grab a couple of cheap PSP bundles for Farm Frenzy and Montezma, good on-the-go casual games, and Vita owners get Wake-up Club for free. Five PSP games have hit the Vita storefront, too.

PlayStation Plus members score the original Darksiders for free and a discount on Stardrone Extreme.

Five Vita games have come down in price including the gorgeous Limines, Orgarhythm, Rayman Origins and Sumiomi.

Now for DLC. The PS3 sees new content for Borderlands 2, Dance Magic, Far Cry 3, Gran Turismo 5, Rock Band 3 and RockSmith.

It’s actually a bit slim this week; visit the US PS Blog for full details including prices, download sizes, themes, avatars and videos.

[image – Siren fanart]
