Why Seth MacFarlane Rules

Zach Ames

If you get to a certain level of success, there are always going to be some haters. Sure, Family Guy might not be the best show in the history of animation, but it's definitely not the worst. Sometimes when you judge a person, you need to seperate the art from the artist. Last week Megan took some serious heat for making her case that MacFarlane sucks. Here is why I think Seth MacFarlane rules. In your face, Megan K.!


He's Worked Really Hard To Get Where He Is

Seth MacFarlane has wanted to be an animator his entire life. Everything he has done has lead him to being the creator of his own show. Family Guy didn't just pop up out of no where. He worked on tons of shows before finally getting his own. He made the Family Guy pilot for only $50,000. That basically meant that he had to spend all day, every day for six months sitting in one spot and drawing. The last time I sat in one spot for six months and did one thing was when I finally beat Battletoads. Some would call that a waste of time. I REGRET NOTHING!


He Told A Hitler Joke During The Oscar Nominations

Seth and Emma Stone at Oscars


The Oscars are one of the stuffiest events in all of Hollywood. It's just a bunch of rich and famous people giving each other awards for being rich and famous. There's no way The Academy was going to be happy about him telling a Hitler joke at the nominations and he still did it anyway. Take that old people!


He's Producing A Sequel To Cosmos Starring Neil deGrasse Tyson

NdT looking adorable


Cosmos was a fantastic series by the great Carl Sagan. This sequel to Cosmos is going to be the first astronomy program to be aired on one of the big networks in a long time. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Carl Sagan's widow Ann Druyan had been trying to get the new Cosmos made for years with no success. With Seth's name attached to the project, they were finally able to get funding and a home for the show at Fox. It's going to be nice to finally get to see a science show that isn't about Nostradamus or how aliens gave technology to the Nazis.


He Started Family Guy When He Was Only 24

pothead dog


I know when I saw twenty four, I spent most of my days eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch and taking naps. Seth was busy creating one of the most popular animated shows of all time. How come no one will pay me for taking the greatest nap of all time?


He Is Sort Of Responsible For Futurama and Arrested Development Coming Back

arrested development cast photo


Family Guy was the first show to be brought back after cancellation due to DVD sales, rerun ratings, and fan support. That indirectly created an environment where it was OK to renew awesome shows that were cancelled for no reason. The new Futurama epsiodes have been just as good or better than the show before it was cancelled. I'm really excited to see what the new Arrested Development episodes will be like. Hopefully, there's a talking dog and an evil baby genius.


He Supports A Bunch Of Charities

odd check donation


The thing about giving to charity is that it's not something you have to do. He supports tons of charities ranging from causes like helping children and cancer research. I really wish there was some sort of rule that he had to donate a dollar every time there was a cut away joke. Unfortunately, it would bankrupt him in about three episodes.


He Employs A Ton Of People

industrial revolution textile mill


A lot of people give him crap for running three similar shows at the same time. Those shows employ a huge writing staffs, production staffs, and animation staffs. Basically what I'm saying is that when we make it out of this recession, we need to start printing money with Seth's face on it.


He Is Actually A Giant Robot Run By Stewie Griffin

stewie shooting laser


It's true. Family Guy, American Dad, and The Cleveland Show are all just a ploy so Stewie can take over the world. I, for one, am excited about this bright new future with Seth MacFarlane bot as our glorious leader.


Does Seth MacFarlane suck or rule? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!


Check Out Why Seth MacFarlane Sucks!
