Ahoy hoy Smosh lovers, welcome to the good ship TV ‘shipped couples. Here, “will they or wont they” meets “no they never ever will, stop writing us letters CHARLEY.” For those who don’t know, ‘shipping is when an audience is rooting for a relationship to blossom between characters who might not necessarily ever make-it on the show. Some can be slash (same sex) and others just extremely unlikely but all are the stuff that tumblrs are made of.
Mulder and Scully, X-Files
The Zero Dark Nerdy (high five!) of fanshipped couples, Mulder and Scully will always be one of television’s best duos. Back in the day many fans did not want to see the two become romantic, but the powerful chemistry between Duchovney and Anderson were too much for the writer’s to resist. I want to believe, they’re boning in real life too.
Kaylee and Dr. Simon Tam
To be fair, I’m not sure if I wanted Kaylee to end up with Simon because she should or just because she really, really wanted to bang him out. Whatever makes her happy and gets him shirtless is fine by me though. Aim to misbehave indeed.
Tara and Pam, True Blood
Tara is the worst. But, as this season proved, Tara is less the worst when she’s with everyone’s favorite sassy vampire aunt Pam.
Spike and Buffy, Buffy The Vampire Slayer
There are two types of Buffy watchers, the Angel shippers and the Spike shippers. But only the latter are correct. Angel was a foregone conclusion. Sure, when he was bad he was very bad and their relationship got interesting. But with Spike you had an entire series worth of revulsion, longing, accents, missteps, hot love making and then true love through sacrifice. Choosey choosers choose Spike for shipmate number one.
Marceline and Finn, Adventure Time
Flame Princess Shlame Princess. Finn and Marceline would be a creative, rough and tumble couple that can go from seeing a movie to a rockin’ quest.
Jess and Nick, New Girl
I mean, clearly it’s only a matter of time. But it’s still pretty impressive that in this day and age of romantic comedy cynicism a show can make you really root for the obvious in such a sincerely likeable way. Plus (SPOILER) that kiss from Tuesday night? Zowie! Am I right?
Sansa and The Hound, Game Of Thrones
Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, beauty and the traumatized, hyperviolent, sociopath and burn victim with a heart of gold, beast. Don’t tell me if this actually happens in the books, I’m only on book 3. I mean it, I will end you with so much sadface and whimpering.
Derek and Stiles (Sterek), Teen Wolf
And now, the slash fiction portion of our show. Sterek will probably remain as an in joke and bath time fantasy but it’s so popular the show is now acknowledging its existence in interviews. Expect more fan service this coming season.
Veronica and Logan, Veronica Mars
Proof that there is something to the irresistible quality of the, “bad boy.” Veronica, the plucky investigator with the sass mouth, could have gone for anyone. But with Logan the sparks were undeniable. Sadly, the ratings were not.
The Doctor and His TARDIS, Doctor Who
Not Rose (she has 10.5) or River (though married) or Amy (for a second) or Martha (0 to Mickeytown) or (probably) Oswin will ever get The Doctor to commit to them. Not when his true and Sexy love is very much in his life. Thanks to Neil Gaimen we now know what a coupling between Time Lord and TARDIS would look like and it’s, I’m looking for a word. A big, complicated world: destiny.
Sherlock and Lady Edith, Sherlock and Downton Abbey
Sure, they’re not in the same show, let alone century, but Lady Edith could use something brilliant to mend her heart. Who better than a Cumberbatch of brilliant like Sherlock Holmes?
TV is full of iconic shipped couples, which ones were you hoping to see on this list? If one of you says the couple from Cheers either we need to call Chris Hansen or you’re up way too late on a weeknight. Either way, let us know in the comments!
Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and tv characters will ship you and your crush!
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