6 Chick Flicks Even Guys Will Like

Jessica Poter

I hate the term “chick flicks,” since “chick” is evocative of an undiscerning baby chicken. But because this appears to be a pervasive movie genre, let’s take a step back and examine why it is that many guys drag their feet to these romantically inclined films. My guess is they hate love and hope. Or their flick picker is off. Here are some chick flicks even guys will like.


When Harry Met Sally

chick guys harry sally


”Can guys and girls be friends?” – the age-old question in real-life coed interactions. What guy doesn’t harbor secret friend zone fantasies? Plus, there’s that famous scene where Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm in a public place, which is also probably a secret guy fantasy.


You’ve Got Mail

chick guys You’ve Mail


Along those same Meg Ryan lines, never underestimate the power of 90’s America Online nostalgia. Guys everywhere will smile thinking of that dial-up sound, and by the time the movie is over, they’ll be robot-voicing, “Goodbye,” to preconceived notions about films and fate.


The Notebook

chick guys notebook kiss


Ryan Gosling has the power to transcend gender boundaries. He’s an extremely sexy man. He’s also the dude from Drive. Reconcile that how you will. In the end, everyone’s onboard with Gos making out with Regina George in the rain.


He’s Just Not That Into You

chick guys into you


Guy friends love to use this phrase when giving you advice. So it follows that they’d love to see an entire 129-minute movie about this piece of advice. (And about how that advice is proved wrong sometimes… suckas!) Also, E from Entourage alert.


Silver Linings Playbook

You guys might be like, that’s an Oscar-nominated film! That’s not a chick flick! Umm… let’s see here: jilted lover, man and woman healing each other, ballroom dancing… yep, that’s a chick flick. It just happens to have De Niro and some football stuff in it. You have been duped!



Written by women, starring women, and (seemingly) for women, Bridesmaids is a chick-flick-hater’s worst nightmare. Until he actually sits down to watch it. And then he’s like, this is so funny! And there’s poop! There’s poop everywhere! Poop and boobs! Do we have your attention now?


What other “chick flicks” would guys like? Let us know in the comments!


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