Battlefield 3: End Game maps detailed with screenshots

By Stephany Nunneley

Battlefield 3: End Game is almost upon us, and DICE has released four screenshots of the maps included in the pack along with descriptions of each.

Each map is comparable in size to Caspian Border and Operation Firestorm from the base game, and each one has been “carefully created to cater to the new dirt bike,” along with the new AA vehicles.

Here’s a bit of information on each map included with End Game. You can read the full description for each through the Battlefield Blog.

Operation Riverside: Supports the modes Capture the Flag, Air Superiority, Conquest, Rush, Squad Rush, Team Deathmatch, and Squad Deathmatch. “Caters somewhat towards infantry action rather than all-out vehicle warfare.”

Nebandan Flats: Supports Capture the Flag, Air Superiority, Conquest, Rush, Squad Rush, Team Deathmatch, and Squad Deathmatch. “The relative openness of the desert setting allows for full freedom of movement for the entire range of vehicles at disposal in Battlefield 3 multiplayer.”

Kiasar Railroad: Supports Capture the Flag, Air Superiority, Conquest, Rush, Squad Rush, Team Deathmatch, and Squad Deathmatch. “While this map also has ample opportunity for dirt bike riders to catch big air, the jumps on Kiasar Railroad are typically more carefully molded into the landscape itself, or not as obvious.”

Sabalan Pipeline: Supports the modes Capture the Flag, Air Superiority, Conquest, Rush, Squad Rush, Team Deathmatch, and Squad Deathmatch. “Similar to Operation Riverside, Sabalan Pipeline was built to cater for a mix of vehicle and infantry gameplay but has fewer and narrower roads that are important to control if you want to dominate the opposition.”

Screenshots are below.

Battlefield 3: End Game is out in March for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.
