New Monsters University Trailer!

Daniel Dominguez

Pixar is, without question, the best collection of filmmakers that operate today. And maybe ever.

pixar fun
Nobody starts out perfect.

Forbes, among other sources, has the new trailer on display and as usual it's a genius dissection of the subject it tackles. In this case, college. It's Mike and Sully's first day of college, they are roommates, and there is a serious rivalry over who is going to be the scariest.

scariest college
So far it's not looking too hot for Sully.

The funniest moment in the preview involves a slug trying to get to class. And I'm sure you can guess what the issue is, but it's just so perfectly executed. And that's Pixar's genius, totally relatable material lampooned in exactly the right way with obvious love. Pixar doesn't just care about its subjects, it cherishes them with the longing we all feel for the moments we have in our memories, or our futures. Or, as in the case of Wall-E or Up it feels great sadness, even anger. Pixar feels as it animates, and you can feel it in response.

Kevin James
Kevin James, on the other hand, clearly hates us.

So I've talked up the preview a sh*tload. Wanna watch it? Then click below. Be warned, this is the red band trailer for Monsters University. So people who are sensitive to shocking nudity, there is a scene where Sully and Mike in a touching but potentially upsetting display of the pureness of their friendship make love in a tent in the snow.

How do you plan to scare people in college? Let us know in the comments below!


Check out Real Life Animals That Are Basically Monsters!
