'Friend Zone' Now A Word According To The Dictionary

Daniel Dominguez

Hey fellahs. Not all guys. Some guys know how to talk to women to get them to be cool with kissing them. But, other guys! The ones that are too afraid to assert their desires to their female friends. We've got big news for you.

weakling men
Yeah, nothing depressing about that.

First Post Life is reporting that your life long dilemma is now officially a word in the dictionary. Are you the kind of guy whose female friends confide in them about their crushes? Are you the type of guy whose female friends feel comfortable farting around? Are you the type of guy whose female friends confide in him about the guys they actually like? Well, now you're a definition.

the type of guy
Fun Fact: Guys in the friend zone are almost always, at some point, end up married to the little girl from The Ring

Here's the definition: "a situation in which a platonic relationship exists between two people, one of whom has an undeclared romantic or sexual interest in the other: example: I always wind up in the friend zone, watching them pursue other guys." So how do you not get in the friend zone with a girl? I've always found the best way not to get in the friend zone is to, whenever your female friend tries to talk, grab her lips and hold them shut and then wiggle her face around a bunch by shaking her by her lips. This shows them that you mean business.

friend zone
This man will always be stuck in the friend zone, as it is a well known fact that women hate guys who have an extra hand in their mouth.

Last year "sexting" got into the dictionary. Hopefully next year "trill" will get into the dictionary and also: "globefarbulous" which is a word I thought of just now that means, "To seem or appear be "globefarb," example sentence: "She looked globefarbulous in the moonlight, and at the moment I knew I'd be a real globefarb if I didn't tell her how I felt."

A wild Globefarb takes a nap in the sun.

Are you in the friend zone? How do you plan to get out? Let us know in the comments below!


Check out 24 Guys Stuck In The Friend Zone!
