So I know we're all excited for the Netflix version of Arrested Development. If House of Cards was any indication, it will surely be terrific. But it got me thinking about other tv shows that need a movie. So guess what y'all! Your boy @danborrelli made a LIST!
What a turrable season so far. It started off pretty promising but somewhere just took a turn for the worst. A movie would have been a much better way to end this series, instead of the NBC method of a long, painful death. PLOT: The gang has to save the school from closing by beating their rival school, only to realize their entire universe is a dream created in Abed’s head.
9. DR. WHO
I’m sorry, I have tried time and again to get into this show and for some reason it just isn’t sticking. And I KNOW they’ve made movies and specials in the past. But a new, updated Dr. Who theatrically released movie would be the ideal way to capture a whole new audience. Look at what the reboot of Star Trek did for that franchise! PLOT: The Doctor has to collect pieces of a puzzle from different eras in time, soliciting the help of all of the old Rose Tylers.
The British version. Imagine it. It would be WAY better than RDJ parading around as some Steampunk Tony Stark. Each episode in the series is basically a mini-movie anyway. Might as well give them a budget. PLOT: Google “Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four”. That! (TIL India made this a movie in 2005, this outsourcing is killing us you guys!)
The irony here is that this show has filled up my DVR and I can’t seem to delete any of the episodes. Also, I’m not talking about a documentary like the show. Oh no my friends, I’m talking about a scripted horror movie filled with twists and gut-wrenching, Eli Roth-esc torture scenes. PLOT: An elderly man in town has been discovered to be hoarding…BODIES!
Kenny Powers the movie would be incredible. And the budget they could get would be huge! There hasn’t been a good movie about a hilarious, arrogant but ignorant character since Anchorman and KP is just the man to take over. Tell me you wouldn’t be in line at midnight! PLOT: A prequel to the series, we follow Kenny’s initial rise and fall in the world of beisbol.
Okay, so again, not a movie version of the show. But a movie BASED on the show. The plot says it all… PLOT: “Jeopardy” tells the story of Mike Gordon, All-American college football star/genius who must go head to head in a trivia-based battle of wits against the leading minds of North Korea, in order to stop the annihilation of the entire planet. Starring Ken Jeong and that kid from Smallville.
The plot would have to be way more clever than anything I can come up with, but just seeing his style of story telling and editing play out over the span of a buck 45 could be very interesting. I’d have to assume he’d instantly become the second coming of Woody Allen, and it could lead to him making a movie a year just based on the themes and thoughts surrounding his standup. Anyway, I’d see it. PLOT: Who knows? Maybe he finds out he has cancer and has to try and right all the wrongs he’s made in life. Or maybe he just eats too much cheese and tries to awkward hit on a woman. Either way, he’s already got my $13.50
Seriously, they’re Lifetime movies for boys and it’s about time we had our Beaches. These stories are inspiring and incredibly emotional and would all make excellent full-length documentaries. Seriously google that noise. PLOT: The Bo Jackson one was pretty epic.
It’s time people, it’s time. This cartoon has sat dormant for far too long. I need my Yakko, Wakko, and Dot! Not only was this cartoon a cornerstone of my childhood, but it taught a generation countless lessons in geography and comedy alike. I think it’s time we had a good shot of nostalgia right to the arm. PLOT: The Warner Bros. lot is in danger of closing and all of the characters from Anamaniacs have to ban together to defeat the evil corporation taking over. Also, some awesome Pinky and the Brain B story.
PLOT: Olmec enlists the help of four young kids to help find the pieces of the silver monkey in order to save the world. They must enlist the help of various jungle mythical creatures (purple parrots, blue barracudas, etc) in order to complete their mission. The fate of the world is in their hands. And if they come out on top, everyone lives…plus they get a 3-minute shopping spree at a Toys R Us of their choosing.
What TV shows do you want to see in movie form? Let me know in the comments below or by screaming at me @danborrelli
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