22 Super Strange CAPTCHAs


CAPTCHA was invented to make sure that robots on the internet couldn’t post comments on things. And it mostly works! Robots HATE squiggly things. But sometimes instead of a normal CAPTCHA, a strange or funny CAPTCHA pops up. These are some of the best!!

funny captcha exercise more


funny captcha gulps wiener


funny captcha cox inabox


funny captcha fap


funny captcha vagbird


funny captcha more cowbell


funny captcha


funny captcha i'm sorry


funny captcha ermahgerd nicolas cage


funny captcha pimp daddy


funny captcha seeman


funny captcha seems legit


funny captcha trololo


funny captcha watch pont


funny captcha fishy smell


funny captcha tryanal


funny captcha boy underage


funny captcha I'm batman


funny captcha skynet knows


funny captcha i love you


funny captcha emo  kid


funny captcha don't type


Check Out Funny Captchas HERE!
