7 Tumblrs to Waste Your Time With

Will Weldon

We are constantly demanding the internet provide us with distractions from the banality that is our lives. But sometimes we get let down by our favorites sites, as they either fail to provide us with new content, or new content that we actually enjoy. FEAR NOT CHUMS! I have compiled for you, right here, right now, 8 Tumblrs to Waste Your Time With:


Remembered Heroes

tumblrs to waste your time


Jojo is an artist who doesn’t read comics, so she is the perfect person to draw super heroes, suggested to her by both readers and the site’s creator, that she only has vague recollections of. She gets your Spider-Mans and Captain Americas pretty well, but the real gems pop up when she clearly has no idea what she’s supposed to be drawing and just goes for her own interpretation. Not really updated for almost a year, there’s still a big chunk of back content to go through.

Remembered Heroes


Old People Writing On A Restaurant’s Facebook Page

tumblrs to waste your time


Another one that isn’t really updated any more, this Tumblr still has a vast amount of screen grabs showing exactly what the title claims: Old people, who are clearly not particularly computer literate, writing things on the Facebook walls of restaurants. America needs to better educate it’s elderly on the difference between a private message and a wall post.

Old People Writing On A Restaurant’s Facebook Wall


The Pokeymans Project

tumblrs to waste your time


Readers send in descriptions of Pokemon, which are then drawn by someone who has zero familiarity with Pokemon. I don’t know if people just do a good job of describing them or what, but the artist actually does a fairly decent job of generally capturing the essence of the Pokemon.

The Pokeymans Project


Menswear Dog

tumblrs to waste your time


Photos of a Shiba Inu wearing clothes that would be worn by models in GQ magazine. This dog lives the life I want for myself.

Menswear Dog


Animals Being D*cks

tumblrs to waste your time


A tumblr dedicated to gifs of animals being total jerks, because they are animals, after all. Quite frankly, I relate to the jerks a lot more than their victims.

Animals Being D*cks


Dog Shaming

tumblrs to waste your time


Finally, a place to publicly shame the jerks we call our “pets”. All pictures of dogs posed with descriptions (essentially rapsheets) of what they did that was so stupid/terrible, you know dogs can’t understand what’s going on, but on some level you hope they get it.

Dog Shaming


Cats That Look Like Pin-Up Girls

tumblrs to waste your time


It’s a very disappointed soldier who finds any of these pinned up above his cot while he’s deployed overseas.

Cats That Look Like Pin-Up Girls


Put the Bunny back in the box. Let us know in the comments!


Check Out These 20 10 Super Weird Tumblrs!
