Remember how much fun it was to find Easter eggs as a kid? Well, except the ones you would find weeks later rotten and covered in ants. It's still a cool feeling when you're able to find something hidden, especially when it's in one of your favorite video games. And Nintendo is much better at hiding things than your mom! Here's a look at some of the coolest Nintendo Easter Eggs.
Lego City Undercover
After you lego parkour it up, you can make your way to this Easter Egg, build yourself a Mario star, get some KACHING! and turn into a jubilant Mario. I mean, Chris McCain is cool and all, but who doesn't want to be Mario for a brief moment? Luigi knows what I'm talking about!
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past-The Chris Houlihan Room
If you were able to access this secret room, your reward was 45 blue rupees. The best part about this Easter Egg was that it was part of a contest that Nintendo held and the prize was that your name would be referenced in one of their video games. To win, the person had to take a picture of the elusive Warmech boss in the game Final Fantasy. The winner? Chris Houlihan. Duh. Okay, getting my name in a Nintendo game is officially on my bucket list.
Super Mario 64
After you get all 120 stars, you can unlock a cannon that'll shoot you onto a roof, where you get to meet Yoshi. Awwww! Why can't this reward exist IRL?
Donkey Kong
Okay, this isn't exactly the best Easter Egg ever, in fact it may be one of the lamest, but it has one of the coolest stories. This egg was discovered 26 years after it was laid. Basically you have to go through an incredibly specific list of activities to finally arrive at the egg-- creator Landon Dyer's initials, LMD. So, maybe the reason it took so long to find was that no one cared? Despite no one caring, a hardcore nerd took the task on in the interest of Meh. Still, it was one of the first Easter Eggs in video game history, so there's that. I prefer to look at it as an elaborate trolling. Much better that way.
Wave Race: Blue Storm
This is one of the best Easter Eggs ever! By changing the audio options, you were able to unlock a narrator who mocks you over every choice you make. If you've ever wanted the experience of having a jerky dad, here's your chance! I'm good.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
This is another audio Easter Egg. When the trailer for Skyward Sword was released fans attempted to play it backwards (!?!?!) and discovered that it sounded very much like "Zelda's Lullaby," first heard in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Speculation on whether this was meaningful ran rampant. I like to imagine some hardcore nerd busted out his hand-carved Ocarina to make this discovery. Please be true!
Need For Speed: Most Wanted!
Is there anything that gets a nerd's heart racing faster than coming across an unexpected green warp pipe? Based on my Nintendo Easter Egg research, the answer is no. If you manage to get your car on top of this warp pipe found off of Interstate 92, you can enter a hidden world. Hopefully one that isn't full of rats, sewage and a friendly homeless man welcoming you to his abode. Long story short...never enter a huge sewer pipe on a dare.
Super Smash Bros Melee
Why play as Kirby when you can play as The Master Hand? To unlock this egg (although some consider it a glitch), you first need to delete all of your friend's names from your game. So let me get this're virtually Forever Alone with a large master hand to play with? Is this move called the FAP?
What's your favorite Nintendo Easter Egg? Let us know in the comments!
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