8 Places My Mom Thinks Are Called One Thing But Are Actually Called Another Thing

Dan Borrelli

So I was talking to my mom the other day, as one does on a Sunday, and I realized she has this incredible ability to mispronounce pretty much everything. But she’s the worst with places. They are her kryptonite, or her krypnotic, as she’d say. So here’s a list of the 8 places my mom thinks are called one thing but are actually called another thing.

8. Chipoodle

chipotle sign picture


I understand it’s a Mexican name, but seriously, Chipotle? And my sister and I have corrected her every time! I guess it’s one of those things that will never change. Like the Yankees being awesome, or Nick Cage movies being awesome, or SNL being mediocre.


7. H&M’s

h & m logo


The unnecessary plural is a mom speak staple. This reaches across the board from everything to Panera’s to Sizzlers’. Because apparently the good Sizzler family who all share ownership in the restaurant feel the need to be recognized.


6. Chicka Filla

red chick-fil-a text



This one I kind of get. It is misleading to moms. Too many hyphens and the whole word gets lost.
However, lately we haven’t been running into this one as much since she now just calls it, “the gay place
that hates gay people”.



Del Taco building side


Ah yes, the Delta Co. One of the top weapons manufacturers this side of Stark Industries. They also make a mean $2 burger. I also heard they were partly responsible for Pinochet.


4. The Place with the Thing

black question mark



Now she’s not even trying. This is especially painful when she’s asking you to remember a place. The
one you went to that one time, you know, the place with the thing. This is up there with “the movie with
that guy in it” and “the girl with the hair”.



TV control room


I work on a television show. However, my mom still thinks I work at a TV station. Just to be clear I’m pretty sure there are only 3 tv stations left still in existence. KTLA, and two UHF stations in Oklahoma. I work on a show about viral videos that shoots on digital from a stage in Van Nuys, she thinks I work on the set of Sports Night.


2. Coffee Time

coffee time


I’m still not really sure if this means Starbucks of Coffee Bean. Or even Denny’s’s. But Coffee Time is a WAY better name for a coffee shop than any of the aforementioned. Coffee Time sounds like the Chuck E. Cheese of coffee and I love it. So if you guys know any millionaires, pitch them on opening a coffee time. Cause they’ll have at least 1 customer right away.


1. San Gimignano, Italy

san gimignano Italy


Italy is a fantastic place for moms. Aside from using the phrase, “when in Rome” over 1000 times, there was a ton of fun, innocent things to do. However, the town of San Gimignano proved to be a pronunciation nightmare. It got so bad that it even started to rub off on me. I was saying “San Jiganamino” in no time. At point I wrecked my Vespa on a back road about 3 miles outside of town and someone pulled over to help me. I didn’t speak much Italian but I told him, “no I’m fine, I’m right over in San Gimmiyano”. He proceeded to laugh and say, “SAN YIM-In-YAAAHNO”. He got back in his truck and left. Thank GOD that country has free health care.


What’s your favorite mispronunciation? Let me know in the comments below or by screaming at me @danborrelli


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