Best of the Storytelling Dog Meme!

Mikey McCollor

What, do you think people are the only species capable of telling stories? REEEEALLY human-centric way of thinking, you jerk. Here are the best stories told by the Storytelling Dog.


story dog vacuum


story dog this one


story dog ball thrown


story dog steak from table

story dog freak him out


story dog faster than car


story dog whistle


story dog himym


story dog get famous


story dog silly voice


story dog arf


story dog sniff each other

story dog 8 lives


story dog good boy


story dog in the city


story dog red dot


story dog team land full


story dog balls gone


story dog age slower



What's the best story told by story dog? Let me know on Twitter @mikeyfromsu or leave a comment below!

Check out the Best of the 'X, Grab My Y' Meme!
