Braid creator explains why The Witness went PS4-exclusive

By Dave Cook

Braid creator Jonathan Blow has explained why his upcoming game The Witness is releasing as a timed PS4 exclusive. He claims that the nature of Xbox 720 leaks led him to believe that Microsoft’s new rig isn’t just about games any more, while Sony’s renewed focus on gaming felt more appealing.

“There were a lot of reasons why it was a good choice,” he told Edge. “Some were technical – we haven’t officially been disclosed on Microsoft’s next console, but we do see the same leaks as everyone else has, and they seem plausible.

“To me they talk about a console that is not strictly about games. It’s trying to be the centre of the living room device, which is fine and maybe it’s the right thing for Microsoft to do, business-wise.

Blow also hinted slightly that the PS4 may be more capable then whatever Microsoft is working on, in terms of handling his high-performance game, “I don’t know; I actually don’t think it is, but they’ve certainly thought about it more than me! As a place to put the best, highest performing version of our game on, it doesn’t seem as good a choice.”

The developer also revealed that his dealings with Microsoft – which published his mega-hit game Braid – have not always been cheerful, “I’ve had a bad time working with Microsoft in the past. Maybe not super bad, but a moderately bad time in terms of business relationships.

“Other developers who are friends of mine have had a horrible time, so the idea of signing up again with Microsoft isn’t something I’d have ruled out, but there’s a certain amount of dread I have about doing that again.

“I don’t have that with Sony. Who knows, maybe it’ll turn out to be just as bad at the end! But I don’t think so. The people we’re talking to on a daily basis there are just really good people, and we’re happy to work with them. We’ll see how it goes.”

What do you make of the above? Does it seem like Sony’s approach to indies has surpassed Microsoft’s? Does this bode well for PS4’s future as a relatively open platform? Discuss below.

Meanwhile, you can see Jonathan Blow’s PS4 trailer for the Witness here:

Thanks CVG.
