Call of Duty: Ghosts next-gen only, reveal on May 1 – rumor

By Stephany Nunneley

Information pertaining to the next Call of Duty game from Infinity Ward has purportedly leaked. As usual, take all this information as “rumor” until something official has been announced.

According to the information gleaned in the video below, the next game will not be titled Modern Warfare 4, but Call of Duty: Ghosts. Phantoms was another subtitle being kicked around, but Ghosts was decided upon.

It will be stemming from the Modern Warfare series, but branching out into a new direction with its campaign set in the future – much like Treyarch’s Black Ops 2 – yet uses current weaponry. While this sounds odd, according to the video there is a major event in the future which causes those involved to use weapons which are currently available instead of something more futuristic.

Multilayer loading screens will be dynamic, similar to scenes from Black Ops 2. One loading screen sees the player repelling from a helicopter into the map or break a glass window to enter a building. Basically, the loading screens are a “mini-game” which bring you into the multiplayer map.

Player movement has also been changed around, and while an answer wasn’t given on Dolphin Dive, players can instead “dash into sliding while shooting.”

Prone and crouch will be changed a bit as well, and supposedly, peaking around corners is back for the console versions. Also when you go prone, you can go “roll side-to-side DayZ-style.”

Spec-Ops is no more, and will be replaced by something “new” along with different mini-games.

A more destructive environment is being mulled around and is currently in the “implementation phase,” and while it seems to be working well at present in single-player, the developers are supposedly finding it a bit more “problematic” in multiplayer.

There will be more things in the environment that can kill you or that you can interact with, basically.

According to the video, the game will only launch on PC and next-generation consoles. But like most of this information, nothing is confirmed, but if true it adds credence to the rumors of a holiday launch of the next-Xbox console alongside PS4.

The announcement of the game is supposedly going to be made on or near May 1.

Drift0r, the fella who made the video said the information came to him from a “very legitimate source.”

“Typically I would not post videos like this but I completely trust this source,” he said. “Hopefully I am not being trolled by someone I trust and this information comes through in the end.”

We’ve mailed Activision on this and if we hear anything back we will let you know.

Thanks, Teem.
